Monday, December 11, 2017

Hour of Code Blog Updates

Hello Amazing 21st Century Writing and Digital Media 6 Writers for Life,
We participated in the Hour of Code last week, and the time has come to blog about your reflections on your projects and the coding process. You can write about your Hour of Code experience in any way you wish, but here are some sentence starters and guidelines for those who are confused.
Image result for hour of code google images
Certificate of Completion all Writers for Life receive upon updating their blogs with the Hour of Code projects!

Hour of Code Blog Post Guidelines
1. Describe the Hour of Code project you chose, and summarize or describe your project and/or why you chose that project.
Example:  For my Hour of Project I created a ---------. I chose this project because....
2. Write about any difficulties, confusion, or challenges you faced throughout your coding process.
Example: While I really wanted to do a name animation, I had trouble figuring out how I was supposed to save it...
3. Overall, are you proud of your work or do you think your project needs more work?
4. Attach a link to your project so others can view it and discuss your work.
Example: Well, don't take my work for it, here's a link to my (PROJECT), please tell me what you think about it.

Mr. Myers again searching for the truth about how awesome it is to be a Writer for Life. 

Friday, December 1, 2017

Monday, November 13, 2017

NaNoWriMo Update

Today I wrote 638 words for NaNoWriMo. I didn't get very far in my prologue, but what I wrote I'm really proud of, since prologues, introducing the characters, are kind of tough! By writing, though, I really feel like I am starting to get a "handle" on my "Zookeeper" character.

Monday, November 6, 2017

It's NaNoWriMo Time! Writers for Life, Start Your (Novel) Engines!

It's NaNoWriMo time, one of the most glorious times of year in the already glorious Writers' Sanctuary, AKA Room C6 of Monte Vista Middle School. What is NaNoWriMo? Well, for you non-Writers for Life out there, NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month, where writers from around the world take on the challenge of writing a novel during the month of November. While this may seem like an impossible task, many Monte Vista Middle School students have become published novelists through their participation in NaNoWriMo, and MV's 21st Century Writing class has published two novels--Unspoken and Ordinarily Extraordinary, both available for purchase at Amazon-- particpating in the Young Writers Program.

Of course, this year the 21st Century Writing class will be collaborating, writing, editing, publishing, and creating promotional materials for NaNoWriMo this year as well. We are keeping this year's novel under wraps for now, but watch this blog, the Toro Tube YouTube channel, and the 21st Century Writing student blogs for exciting developments and chapter "teases."

I am free to reveal that this year's topic will cover the mysterious world of cryptozoology. Be prepared to discover just who the real "monsters" are in this world!

-Mr. Myers

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Ask the Writing Wizard!

Monte Vista's 21st Century Writing and Digital Media 6 Writers for Life are amazingly talented writers, but did you know that they are experts in so many other areas as well? Being the generous writers that they are, they would like to share their expertise with the world!

As a result, the student blogs will, in addition to their usual work, feature advice on topics covering a variety of interests and subjects. Want to know how to surf? Looking for the perfect adjective? Maybe you have questions about your favorite baseball team? Well, all of these topics and more will be covered by our expert bloggers. Just check out the Monte Vista student blog rolls to the right, and you just may find the answers you're seeking; and maybe even some you are not!

-Mr. Myers
Mr. Myers, AKA The Writing Wizard, Here to Answer All Your Writing Questions

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Monte Vista Digital Media 6 W4Ls Rock!

The Digital Media 6 class at Monte Vista are the latest Writers for Life, and dare I say, the greatest? In just a few weeks, they have amazed and inspired me with their positive W4L attitudes. and most importantly, their creative works of digital writing.
Don't believe, me, well, this is the very first digital creation they made, a "Words To Live By" meme.
A brilliant digital composition created by Isabel, a Digital Media 6 Writer for Life.
Not only do they create brilliant works for class, another reason why they are so special, is because they will take their skills and create something just because they Such as this "Poem for Mr. Myers" and meme a student created for me.
Poem and meme by Maliah, Digital Media 6 W4L.
These are just a couple of reasons why I am so fortunate to be a Writer for Life, and teacher of these wonderful students. What do you think about being a Writer for Life?
-Mr. Myers

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Announcing the Monte Vista 21st Century Writing Instagram Page

Monte Vista Middle School's 21st Century Writing class is pleased to announce the debut of our official Instagram page, which we humbly ask that you follow us @MVS.21st.Century.Writing. Before we officially launch our Instagram page, we ask that you vote in the poll on the official logo, designed by Monte Vista 21st Century Writers.

Here are the three finalists for the 21st Century Writing Instagram logo:



Please vote in the poll to the right! Also, please leave a comment as a reply to this post with your suggestions, feedback, or thoughts on the three logos!

-Mr. Myers

Friday, February 17, 2017

Coming Soon: Ordinarily Extraordinary!

Monte Vista Middle School's 21st Century Writing class, authors of the classic novel, Unspoken: The True Story Behind The Fairy Tales You Only Thought You Knew (available for purchase from is excited to announce the upcoming publication of their second novel, Ordinarily Extraordinary.

While much of the information about this exciting novel is still "Classified," we have received official confirmation allowing us to reveal certain information. Below is a table of contents (with the contents removed for security purposes, of course) for our novel:

So, look up in the sky (or your local bookseller or and watch this blog (and other 21st Century Writers' blogs) for vital upcoming information. 

Below is just one of the Cloud Heights Academy students you will meet in Ordinarily Extraordinary, coming soon!

Cloud Heights Academy: A School For The Ordinarily Extraordinary.