Monday, December 11, 2017

Hour of Code Blog Updates

Hello Amazing 21st Century Writing and Digital Media 6 Writers for Life,
We participated in the Hour of Code last week, and the time has come to blog about your reflections on your projects and the coding process. You can write about your Hour of Code experience in any way you wish, but here are some sentence starters and guidelines for those who are confused.
Image result for hour of code google images
Certificate of Completion all Writers for Life receive upon updating their blogs with the Hour of Code projects!

Hour of Code Blog Post Guidelines
1. Describe the Hour of Code project you chose, and summarize or describe your project and/or why you chose that project.
Example:  For my Hour of Project I created a ---------. I chose this project because....
2. Write about any difficulties, confusion, or challenges you faced throughout your coding process.
Example: While I really wanted to do a name animation, I had trouble figuring out how I was supposed to save it...
3. Overall, are you proud of your work or do you think your project needs more work?
4. Attach a link to your project so others can view it and discuss your work.
Example: Well, don't take my work for it, here's a link to my (PROJECT), please tell me what you think about it.

Mr. Myers again searching for the truth about how awesome it is to be a Writer for Life.